Learn a topic in 3 minutes to help you easily build up the ability to speak in English! The best way to become proficient in English is to start with low-weight textbooks and keep repeating listening and speaking.
*****3分鐘,熟練英語「聽」與「說」!***** 想讓所買的英語學習書可以獲得更好的管理,並享受有系統的學習記錄以提高學習效率嗎?歡迎您試用《語言導航家》(可在本App選購:《熟練‧聽說英語》系列)、《Mebooks英語學習館》App。語言學習專家長期研究後發現,要真正學好一種外語,應該就「低份量」的教材,不斷地重複練習「聽與講」。為了提供熟練英語的最好方法,本書特別根據語言學習專家的建議,精心設計了這一套「3分鐘英語系列」,讓您既能「熟練英語」,又能「好說好聽」,滿足您最基本卻又最難搞定的英語學習需求:豎起耳朵聽,張大嘴巴說!◎產品特色:豐富的語言學習:● 收錄「場所情境」相關情境主題,包括:在餐館、在理容院或美髮院、在郵局、在銀行、在圖書館、在醫院、在警察局等,緊扣生活題材,隨學即用。● 每個主題皆分為會話練習和常用說法兩個部份,會話練習以精鍊句型帶出談話重點,讓您3分鐘就學會一種聊天話題。● 常用說法則補充變換句型,談天說地不再辭窮。◎ Mebook 完備的輔助功能:1. 中英文顯示或隱藏模式:可設定全英文∕中英文對照學習環境,訓練解讀句子能力。2. 內容單字分析:提供本書內容總單字量與單字級等分佈比例,讓您在學習前即可了解本書內容所使用單字的難易度。3. 單詞級等標示:可依學習目標,選擇標示出學習內容的單詞級等,包含字頻(8級等)、大考中心(6級等)、全民英檢(3級等)、多益常考用字。一鍵操作,讓您一目了然,可強化單字力學習。4. 複讀功能:可設定單句複讀功能,訓練聽力;並能進階設定複讀次數。5. 查字義功能:內建單詞資料庫,針對查詢的單詞提供音標、詞性、字義,協助快速理解文章內容。6. 書籤功能,對需加強復習或欲加以運用的Mebook 內容,標以書籤,反覆播放練習7. 關鍵字搜尋,可快速查找所需要的Mebook 學習內容。● 製作發行:曉騰國際● 客服聯絡:如對產品有任何想法或建議,或者使用上遭遇問題,都歡迎和我們聯絡- 1. 客服信箱:[email protected] 2. 客服留言板:http://www.mebook.com.tw/Android/SupportTC.asp 3. 客服電話:請於上班時間來電02-77210772轉510 我們一定竭誠為您服務。*****3 minutes, proficient in English "listening" and "speaking"! ***** Do you want to better manage the English learning books you buy, and enjoy systematic learning records to improve learning efficiency? You are welcome to try out the "Language Navigator" (available in this app: "Proficient in Listening and Speaking English" series) and "Mebooks English Learning Hall" app.After long-term research, language learning experts have discovered that to truly learn a foreign language well, one should repeatedly practice "listening and speaking" with "low-weight" textbooks. In order to provide the best way to become proficient in English, this book has carefully designed this set of "3-Minute English Series" based on the suggestions of language learning experts, so that you can be "proficient in English" and "speak and listen well", satisfying you The most basic but the most difficult English learning needs: listen with ears up and speak with open mouth!◎Product features:Rich language learning:● Contains contextual themes related to "place context", including: in restaurants, in the beauty salon or hairdressing salon, in the post office, in the bank, in the library, in the hospital, in the police station, etc., closely related to life themes, and use it as you learn.● Each topic is divided into two parts: conversation exercises and common expressions. The conversation exercises use refined sentence patterns to bring out the focus of the conversation, allowing you to learn a chat topic in 3 minutes.● Commonly used expressions are supplemented with changing sentence patterns, and no longer talking about things.◎ Complete auxiliary functions of Mebook:1. Chinese and English display or hidden mode: you can set up a full English/Chinese-English contrast learning environment to train the ability to interpret sentences.2. Content vocabulary analysis: Provide the distribution ratio of the total vocabulary volume and vocabulary level of the content of the book, so that you can understand the difficulty of the vocabulary used in the content of this book before you study.3. Word level and other indications: According to the learning objectives, you can choose the word level to indicate the learning content, including word frequency (level 8, etc.), university entrance examination center (level 6, etc.), National English Test (level 3, etc.), TOEIC Frequent test use words. One-key operation allows you to be clear at a glance, which can strengthen single-character learning.4. Repetition function: Single sentence repetition function can be set to train listening; and the number of repetitions can be set in advance.5. Word meaning checking function: built-in word database, providing phonetic symbols, part of speech, and meanings for the words inquired, helping to quickly understand the content of the article.6. Bookmark function, bookmark Mebook content that needs to be reviewed or used, and play exercises repeatedly7. Keyword search, you can quickly find the required Mebook learning content.● Production and distribution: Xiaoteng International● Customer service contact: If you have any thoughts or suggestions on the product, or encounter problems in use, please feel free to contact us- 1. Customer service mailbox: [email protected] 2. Customer service message board: http://www.mebook.com.tw/Android/SupportTC.asp 3. Customer service phone: please call 02-77210772 and 510 during office hours We will serve you wholeheartedly.1. 新增功能:內容總單字量與單字級等分佈比例2. 新增功能:單詞級等標示,包括字頻(8級等)、大考中心(6級等)、全民英檢(3級等)、多益常考用字3. 新增查字義功能:內建單詞資料庫,針對查詢的單詞提供音標、詞性、字義